Gambar Bendera Negara Inggris

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland uses as its civic banderole the aristocratic banderole accepted as the Abutment Banderole or, popularly, Abutment Jack. The accepted architecture of the Abutment Banderole dates from the abutment of Ireland and Great Britain in 1801. It consists of the red cantankerous of Saint George (patron saint of England), belted in white, superimposed on the Cantankerous of St Patrick (patron saint of Ireland), which are superimposed on the Saltire of Saint Andrew (patron saint of Scotland). Wales, however, is not represented in the Abutment Banderole by Wales' angel saint, Saint David.
Its actual accommodation are 1:2. However, the adaptation clearly acclimated by the British Army modifies the accommodation to 3:5, and additionally two of the red diagonals are cropped.